In addition to the Distance Selling Regulations, you can return any item within 28 days of receipt for a refund of that item for another product or to exchange it for a different size*(*only for rings). In case of special offer or sale purchases you remain your right for refund or exchange with a product of similar value of your purchase even after the end of the offer or sale.
For Returns that happen after the end of the 28 days, silverline & TRIBUTE keeps the right to accept or not the returns and refund or exchange the order. In this case we will contact you via e-mail and inform you accordingly.
In addition to the Distance Selling Regulations, for returns and money refunds of your purchase value, you can return your order between 7 days of the date of delivery.
Silverline/TRIBUTE as soon as receives your return, will examine the condition of the products and will inform you for the delivery. In case you wish for a money return, Silverline/TRIBUTE will refund the full amount of your purchases into your bank account between 30 days from the date of delivery, after it abstracts the cost of shipping. We will inform you for the shipping costs. In case of exchange and if there availability of the required product, we will post your new item between 3-5 working days. For every order you place you have the right to make only one return. For deliveries out of Greece you will be charged the shipping costs. In this case we will inform you about the shipping costs before the post.
Please note that all Returns must be in their original and full packaging, with the guarantee card or authenticity card, and the products must be exactly in the same condition that you received them. All the Returns are examined during the delivery.
We advise you to make your Returns using Safe Delivery for more security and always keep safe the post voucher until we will inform you for the delivery. SILVERLINE is not responsible for any losses or damages during the shipping of your returns. All the products are under your full responsibility from the moment of delivery until the moment that we will receive the Return. Choose a safe post packaging in order to avoid possible damages.
When you wish to make a return for refund or exchange of your order please contact us by tel. +30 2103246505 (Customer Service, 9am-5pm Greece time) or via e-mail through the web-site contact form or in the following address info@silverline, For you own accommodation please include your order number that you can find on your email and your full contact info. In case of refund or exchange please include also new code of the requested product or the new size* (*only for rings).
Inside the order package that you will receive from SILVERLINE you will find a sticker “Returns & Exchanges”. Please position this sticker at the top of your return package , in order to identify the order returned.
In case of false product Silverline/TRIBUTE will offer exchange with a new product. In this case please contact us in order to make for you a free of charge return post. For more information regarding products guarantee please check the page “repairs” of the web-site.
Returns will be accepted ONLY at the following address and NOT in any Silverline/TRIBUTE sale’s point:
To: silverline S.A.
5 Skouze str, 10560 Athens.
Tel. ++30 210 3246505
Silverline/TRIBUTE also accepts order cancelations ONLY in case that you will contact us early enough, before the shipping of your order.
Upon receipt of product please check the quality .If anything is wrong, you have the right to return the product, ask for replacement or a refund, within 5 days from the day you received it. We do not accept returns after this period. Please make sure you have the receipt of the product available as well as the voucher; no return is acceptable without these official documents.
It’s on your hand to teach your kids how to protect jewelry so as to enjoy them as long as possible.
We wouldn’t recommend you to wear earrings to babies.
Same for bracelets with charms or even rings because of the choking hazard.
This applies to necklaces as well.
Lastly, brooches for newborn babies, should be put far from their reach.
Thank you for trusting woofie; a brand kind to kids & animals.